Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Conscious Eating

I have gone two months without meat! And if you know me, that is a major feat - major feat! I was a daily McDonald's (7% of the population is, believe it or not) person until then. I have never stuck to anything so diligently in my life until this and I never planned on it happening.

In May, my husband and I flew to New Orleans to the Jazz Fest and met up with four other couples including a good friend from undergrad. One of the women was reading "Skinny B--ch" and I didn't look at the book, but all she said was that it was hilarious. I am a medical director for a large weight loss company and I have been on every diet known to man (now at 5-6 and 122 lbs holding steady....).When I arrived back in Orlando, I bought the book on CD. And for those of you that are not aware of the book, it is VULGAR!! But she made the title and the book to be eye-catching and it did what she intended it to do. I had no idea it was written by a vegan and if I would have known, I may not have even purchased the book. "Where will I get my protein." I used to ask the question that I now get. And let me tell you, you can get all the protein you need to stay lean and fit! The first few chapters were about additives and sugar and exercise. They were basically things I knew. But when she got to the slaughter chapter, I sat up for the first time in my life and took notice. I was very painful to hear but I knew not as painful as what billions of animals go through every year. Well, that was it!! Now that I knew that information, I just could not ignore it. Ignorance is a species' first line of defense. We may be omnivores, but God did not intend for us to eat the amount of animal meat that we eat and at such a cost!

More on this later, but the most helpful things to me have been:

The "Earthlings" movie that you can watch on Google Video for free

Quantum Wellness book by Kathy Freston

The China Study book by Dr. Campbell

If you are already a vegetarian, I commend you and wonder why I didn't listen to all of you years ago! By convincing just one person to go vegetarian, you directly save 93 more animals from slaughter each year, prevent untold damage to the Earth, and help that person lead a happier, healthier life! The wisdom of vegetarianism is a key ingredient in the new life of peace, compassion and nonviolence.

That is a start. I really encourage you to "meet your meat." And the next time you wonder why someone would NOT eat meat, ask yourself why you DO eat meat. (Hmmm.... food (plant-based, only) for thought.....

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