Friday, July 25, 2008

Veg Dining Out!!

When I decided to stop eating animal and animal products, I knew my most difficult part would be dining out. My husband and I love to travel and dine out!! So, one of the first things I did was do my research on the 'net before we hit the town looking for restaurants. I was truly amazed at the options we have in O-town!! Since I have eaten so much meat for so many years, I knew I would miss the texture so I sought out all of my options because I knew that tofu would get old quickly. I have listed below what I found in Orlando that my husband and I love:

Ethos Vegan Kitchen - Mmmm (especially their Philly Dilly!!) I have brought several friends there already to enjoy their great cuisine!

Garden Cafe - An Asian vegetarian restaurant; my children really like this place

Dandelion Tea Cafe

Tropical Heat Organic Market

Ali Baba

Udipi Cafe

(Indian cuisine is always a good bet to find many vegetarian options)

I know there are many more and I plan to hit them all and give feedback.


I HAVE A HUGE SWEETTOOTH (that I have cut back over the years because something on my body got huge!!), so I have found two vegan bakeries so far:

Sweet Tooth Vegan

Zhane's Vegan Bakery

Have a conscious weekend!!


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